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band_structure [2009/11/25 22:24]
band_structure [2012/11/30 09:59]
Line 55: Line 55:
   multiplot>​ plot "​ek.dat"​ using 1:7 with lines   multiplot>​ plot "​ek.dat"​ using 1:7 with lines
   ​   ​
-{{:​si-bulk:​si-bulk.png|Si-bulk Band Structure}}+{{:​si-bulk:​si-bulk.png?400|Si-bulk Band Structure}}
   ​   ​
 ===== DOS ===== ===== DOS =====
 +To plot Density of state, first, we have to achieve SCF solution in the same way as above (see previous [[band_structure|section]]).
 +Next we perform calculation with fixed SCF charges (switching on **''​ifixcharge =1''​**). The DOS calculation is initialized via variable **''​iwrtdos''​** in the section **''&​OUTPUT''​**. Hence, our **''​''​** file looks like that:
 +  basisfile = Si.bas
 +  lvsfile = Si.lvs
 +  kptpreference = Si.kpts
 +  nstepf = 1
 +  ifixcharge = 1
 +  rescal = 5.5
 +  &END
 +  iwrtdos = 1
 +  &END
 +In addition, **''​dos.optional''​** has to be presented in a working directory having following distance:
 +  1.0                   ! scale factor (leave 1.0)
 +  1        2            ! list of atoms to analyze DOS
 +  360                   ! number of energy steps
 +  -18.0   ​0.05 ​         ! initial energy, energy step 
 +  0                     ! leave untouched
 +  0.0     ​0.0 ​          ! leave untouched
 +  0.05                  ! imaginary part of Green function (controls energy level smearing) ​
 +After finishing a run, we obtain **''​dens_001.dat''​**,​**''​dens_002.dat''​** including projected DOS on two Si atoms in the unit cell (including projected DOS onto individual shells of atoms). Additionally,​ there is a file **''​dens_TOT.dat''​** containing DOS. Here, a first column means energy and a second one DOS. 
 +  mac135> gnuplot
 +  gnuplot> set xrange [0:1]
 +  gnuplot> set yrange [-17:0]
 +  gnuplot> set xlabel "DOS [arb. units]"​
 +  gnuplot> set ylabel "​Energy [eV]"
 +  gnuplot> ​ plot "​dens_TOT.dat"​ using 2:1 title 'Total DOS' with lines, \
 +            "​dens_001.dat"​ using 11:1 title 'PDOS Si atom ' with lines
 +{{:​si-bulk:​pdos-si_bulk.png?​400|DOS Si Bulk}}
 +===== The bulk modulus =====
 +  $ ls
 +  Fdata  uno.bas ​ uno.kpts ​ uno.lvs ​
 +  ​
 +  $ head uno.bas
 +  2
 +  14      0.000000 ​     0.000000 ​     0.000000
 +  14      0.250000 ​     0.250000 ​     0.250000
 +  ​
 +  $ head uno.kpts
 +  32 
 +  -2.35619449 ​        ​-2.35619449 ​        ​-2.35619449 ​       0.03125000
 +  -3.92699081 ​        ​-0.78539816 ​        ​-0.78539816 ​       0.03125000
 +  -5.49778713 ​         0.78539816 ​         0.78539816 ​       0.03125000
 +  -7.06858347 ​         2.35619449 ​         2.35619449 ​       0.03125000
 +  -0.78539816 ​        ​-3.92699081 ​        ​-0.78539816 ​       0.03125000
 +  -2.35619449 ​        ​-2.35619449 ​         0.78539816 ​       0.03125000
 +  -3.92699081 ​        ​-0.78539816 ​         2.35619449 ​       0.03125000
 +  -5.49778713 ​         0.78539816 ​         3.92699081 ​       0.03125000
 +   ​0.78539816 ​        ​-5.49778713 ​         0.78539816 ​       0.03125000 ​
 +  ​
 +  $ head  uno.lvs
 +  0.5000 ​   0.5000 ​   0.0000
 +  0.5000 ​   0.0000 ​   0.5000
 +  0.0000 ​   0.5000 ​   0.5000
 +The script to calculate the bulk modulus
 +  $ cat ​
 +  #!/bin/bash
 +  ##----- Parametros de control (el parametro de red tiene que encontrase entre ini fin  --------##
 +  N=10
 +  ini=5.0
 +  fin=6.0 ​
 +  ##​----------Funcion analisis para dos atomos/​celda-----------------------------------------##​
 +  function analisis {
 +  ETOT=$(grep '​ETOT'​ salida.out|cut -d'​='​ -f2)
 +  sigma=$(grep sigma salida.out | cut -d'​='​ -f16 | tail -1)
 +  charge=$(head -2 uno.bas | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2)' -> '​$(head -2 CHARGES | tail -1)
 +  charge=$charge'​ ;'​$(head -3 uno.bas | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2)' -> '
 +  charge=$charge$(tail -1 CHARGES)
 +  echo $rescal$'​\t'​$ETOT$'​\t'​$sigma$'​\t'​$charge$'​\t'>>​salida
 +  }
 +  ##​------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------##​
 +  function start {
 +  rm -fr salida
 +  for((i=0;​i<​=N;​i++))
 +  do
 +  rescal=$(python -c "print '​%.6f'​ % ($i*1.0*($fin-$ini)/​$N+$ini)"​)
 +  echo "&​option
 +  basisfile = uno.bas
 +  lvsfile = uno.lvs
 +  kptpreference = uno.kpts
 +  rescal = $rescal
 +  sigmatol = 0.000001
 +  nstepf = 1
 +  &end
 +  &output
 +  iwrtxyz = 1
 +  &​end"​ > ​
 +  ../​progs/​fireball.x > salida.out ​   ​
 +  ​
 +  analisis
 +  done
 +  }
 +  ##​----------------------------------1º start  ----------------------------------------------##​
 +  start
 +  ##​-----------------------------buscamos el minimo ------------------------------------------##​
 +  min=$(python -c "
 +  x0 = []
 +  y0 = []
 +  for line in file(\"​salida\"​):​
 +     line = line.split()
 +     x = line[0]
 +     y = line[1]
 +     ​x0.append(x)
 +     ​y0.append(y)  ​
 +  ​
 +  j=0
 +  for i in range(len(x0)):​
 +    if y0[j]< y0[i]:
 +      j=i
 +  print x0[j]"​)
 +  cp salida borrar
 +  rm -fr  ​       ​
 +  ​
 +  ##​----------------------------------2º start -----------------------------------------------##​
 +  N=40
 +  d=0.4
 +  ini=$(python -c "print '​%.6f'​ % (1.0*($min-$d))"​)
 +  fin=$(python -c "print '​%.6f'​ % (1.0*($min+$d))"​)
 +  start
 +  mv salida Vol.dat
 +  ##​------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------##  ​
 +In the 1º start the script "​"​ takes 10 points between 5-6:
 +In the 2º start the script "​"​ takes 40 points between the minimum of the 1º start
band_structure.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/20 12:42 (external edit)