\\ ==== The Linear STM ==== The linear scanning gives us the current profile from the A point to the B point at constant height of the tip. To run this kind of scan we need to change some values at the "scan.inp" and "options.inp" files. \\ === options.inp === Here the settings is same ([The files]), just the **ICUTT** parameter we have to change to value 1. Than the scan will be linear. Other values can stay same. \\ === scan.inp === In the case of linear scan, the initial and final point should be changed maybe. But the **XMIN XMAX** or the **YMIN YMAX** will be same there. \\ ==== ==== Than, you can run the **STM** code for linear scan simulation. \\ === Output === As an output, we will obtain the "scan_cut_deno.out" or "scan_cut_nden.out" file, depends on the settings (the denominator means the multiple scattering is involved and the *nden.out file is obtained). The file has the following format (there is 50 rows, the scan is from the point (0.0,0.0) to (0.0,4.1742) for the distance 3A): 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.000000 0.14821E-05 \\ 0.083484 0.000000 0.083484 3.000000 0.14866E-05 \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ 4.174200 0.000000 4.174200 3.000000 0.14821E-05 The first column gives us the length of path of the tip over the surface from the initial point, columns 2 and 3 are the x and y coordinate of the tip, 4. is the distance between tip apex and the surface and 5. column gives us the current at the given xy position.