\\ ==== Files we will need ==== For succesful simulation of STM, we will need (except the **STM** code) several files. First of all we'll need the right "Fdata" directory (or the link) at our computation directory. Even this files, we will use: Atomo_i \\ options.inp \\ scan.inp \\ samplek.kpts \\ struc.inp \\ tip_e_str.inp \\ tip_g_str.inp \\ tip_sample_i_j.inp (interaction_i_j.dat) Let's have a look on them. \\ === Atomo_i === This files contains information about Hamiltonian of each atom of the elementary cell of the sample. Their number is the same like the number of atoms in "*.bas" file (which is not necessary here). \\ === options.inp === Inside this file we have the properties settings of the scanning. \\ The file contains: -2.00 2.00 16 0.10 ! E00 (E initial), ERANGE, NEE (n steps), EIMAG (η) 0 ! idos(=1 only DOS, =0 STM calculation, =2 Both) 1 ! TIPOSCAN=(0-scan z,1-scan xy z-const,2-scan constant current) 0 ! ICUTT=1 only a xy line 2 ! MODOSCAN(0=tip orbitals,1=sample orbitals,2=both) 0 ! idenomin(1 with denominators) 0 ! ists (=1 compute the STS curve) 0 ! icoupling (=0 old stuff =1 new with fireball format) 1000000 ! energy window for STM (typically 0.4) Now the initial energy starts from the exact value, and the energy range are the exact voltage. **TIPOSCAN** can take three different values: • 0 if you want to do a scan in a xy constant height changing the z. \\ • 1 if you want to do the xy scan in constant height. \\ • 2 if you want to do the xy scan in constant current. \\ **ICUTT** can take two values: \\ • 0 if you want to do a complete xy scan. \\ • 1 if you only want the line: (XMIN-XMAX,YMIN-YMAX). \\ **MODO_SCAN** can take three different character values. \\ • Tip: means that you do the trace with tip orbitals. \\ • Sam: means that you do the trace with sample orbitals. \\ • Two: means that you do both calculations. \\ **IDENOMIN** cat take three different values again: \\ • 0: means that you do the calculation without multiple scattering effect involved (faster). \\ === scan.inp === At this file there is information about the scanning. The distances are in Angstroms. 2.500 ! TIPHEIGHT initial (zmax of the surface atoms+ztip apex) -0.866025 , 0.866025 , 18 ! xmin,xmax,nscanx 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 18 ! ymin,ymax,nscany 1 ! maximum number of iterations 3 3 ! ncellx, ncelly (number of cells for writing: x means in the direction of the 1st vector, and y means in the direction of the 2nd) \\ === samplek.kpts === The file contains the k-points which will be used for calculations (for the sampling of the k-space). The format is as following: 2 !number of k-points 1.123456 0.500000 0.000000 0.5 !x,y,z coordinate of the k-point and the statistical weight of this k-point 1.123456 -0.500000 0.000000 0.5 //The important thing is, the k-points must be symmetric, it is not possible to use just 1/2 of symmetric points.// \\ === struc.inp, tip_e_str.inp, tip_g_str.inp, tip_sample_i_j.inp (interaction_i_j.dat) === These files are necessary for calculation (and their presence in the directory), but the form of them is noted in the parts above (the [[Sample Hamiltonian]], [[The tip structure]], [[The hoppings]])