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cu_111_surface_and_k-points_sampling [2015/05/29 00:14]
cu_111_surface_and_k-points_sampling [2015/05/29 08:11]
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-Since we know, that the lattice parameter is 3.66 Angstrom, here is the structure for testing the sufficiency of the k-points sampling of the IBZ. 
-The geometry is in Cu_111.bas file: 
-     5 
-  29    0.00000 ​   1.49419 ​  ​10.00000 
-  29    0.00000 ​   0.00000 ​  ​12.11310 
-  29    1.29401 ​   0.74709 ​  ​14.22620 
-  29    0.00000 ​   1.49419 ​  ​16.33931 
-  29    0.00000 ​   0.00000 ​  ​18.45241 
-And the lattice vector for the Cu (111) surface is in Cu_111.lvs: 
-   ​2.58801 ​   0.00000 ​   0.00000 
-   ​1.29401 ​   2.24128 ​   0.00000 
-   ​0.00000 ​   0.00000 ​  ​99.99999 
-The last 2 layers will be fixed during optimization,​ therefore FRAGMENTS file contains: 
-  0 
-  1 
-  2 
-  4       1 1 1 
-  5       1 1 1 
-The amount of the k-points is not known, therefore one should check, whether the total energy and geometry changes with amount of the k-points. For this reason 3 files containing 8, 18 and 32 k-points: 
-Cu_111.8.kpts contains 4x4 k-points reduced to 8 k-points by inversion: 
-           8 
-   ​-0.91042715 ​  ​-0.52563387 ​   0.00000000 ​          ​0.12500000 
-   ​-0.91042715 ​   0.17521401 ​   0.00000000 ​          ​0.12500000 
-   ​-0.91042715 ​   0.87606192 ​   0.00000000 ​          ​0.12500000 
-   ​-0.91042715 ​  ​-1.22648176 ​   0.00000000 ​          ​0.12500000 
-   ​-0.30347571 ​  ​-0.87605917 ​   0.00000000 ​          ​0.12500000 
-   ​-0.30347571 ​  ​-0.17521130 ​   0.00000000 ​          ​0.12500000 
-   ​-0.30347571 ​   0.52563661 ​   0.00000000 ​          ​0.12500000 
-   ​-0.30347571 ​   1.22648454 ​   0.00000000 ​          ​0.12500000 
-Cu_111.18.kpts contains 6x6 k-points reduced to 18 k-points by inversion: 
cu_111_surface_and_k-points_sampling.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/05/29 08:11 (external edit)