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it call l-bfgs-b routine till: - the convergence criteria defined in cg.optional are reached (f(i,j)<fmax for all i,j) - the algorithm is not able to find the smaller energy in spite of f>fmax - the maximum number of steps exceeds

setting of input files:
 iquench = -5

This routine uses the same input file as Conjiged Gradients (iquench = -4). It does not use all parameters, but they must be there.

 0.1                  ! max displacement - not use in BFGS
 0.5                  ! dummy argument - not use in BFGS
 0.00000001              ! total energy tolerance  - not use in BFGS
 0.001                 ! fmax - force tolerance - end of minimization if fij<fmax
 10000                 ! Max number of opt steps
 3                    ! Max number of restarts 


setting of input files:
 iquench = -6

This routine uses the same input file as Conjiged Gradients (iquench = -4). It does not use all parameters, but they must be there.

 0.1                  ! max displacement 
 0.5                  ! dummy argument - not use in FIRE
 0.0              ! total energy tolerance  - the walker can make step uphill if Enew-Emin<Etol, Etol=0 => only downhill steps allowed
 0.001                 ! fmax - force tolerance - end of minimization if fij<fmax
 10000                 ! Max number of opt steps
 100                    ! Max number of restarts (the algorithm is restarted after "uphill step"-it can be big number")
- Ordered List Item
fire_bfgs_minimization.1301328483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/03/28 18:08 (external edit)