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A Python/C based package, available at, which primary purpose is to simulate STM or dI/dV signal obtained with tilting tip apex (like CO, or Xe tip). It is based on the original PPAFM Python/C by Prokop Hapala and Co. for simulation of tilting tip apex' AFM images.

Basic Principles

The PP-STM code calculates an STM or dI/dV signal based on the input from various Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)-DFT codes. These inputs are eigen-energies of eigen-states (molecular orbitals) and LCAO coefficients (for each state and atomic orbital of sample). Sample can be approximated by freestanding molecule, or by full system - molecule/substrate.

Inputs for DFT Codes

At the moment the PP-STM code can read inputs from following DFT codes:


A working executable for creation of necessary file is at: /storage/praha1/home/krejcio/bin_fireball_stable/fireball.x

Input files can computed with McWEDA functional as well as with computing XC on a grid. Cluster systems as well as systems with Periodic Boundary Conditions (PBC) can be computed. A file for calculations with McWEDA:

basisfile =     'answer.bas'
lvsfile =       'input.lvs'
kptpreference = 'input.kpts'    ! only gamma point-calculations work at the moment
nstepf     = 1
icluster   = 0     ! 0 for PBC / 1 for cluster calculation
itdse      = 0
iqout      = 1
ifixcharge = 1     ! 0 if you don't have pre-calculated atomic charges in CHARGES
iquench    = -1

iwrtcdcoefs = -2   ! print the important files

A file for calculations with XC on a grid computations:

basisfile     = 'answer.bas'
lvsfile       = 'input.lvs'
kptpreference = 'samplek.kpts'
nstepf     = 1
icluster   = 0      ! 0 for PBC / 1 for cluster calculation
itdse      = 0
iqout      = 1
ifixcharge = 0
dt         = 0.5
iquench    = -1
iks        = 1
imcweda    = 0
idogs      = 0
bmix       = 0.05

iwrtcdcoefs =  -2
        ! Next part is more important for calculating fftpot.xsf, which is Hartree potential important for PP-AFM calculations with charged tip apex.
ifixg0 = 1            ! 
g0     = 0.0,0.0,0.0  ! do not shift the position of atoms in fftpot.xsf with respect to the answer.bas
Ecut = 300.0d0        ! not really necessary, but gives grid sampling approximately 100 pm.

In case of PBC calculations phik_0001_s.dat, phik_0001_py.dat, … files are produced by the Fireball. In case of cluster calculations phik_s.dat, phik_py.dat, … are outputs of the Fireball calculations. They serve as inputs for the PP-STM calculations. Inside they look like:

      38     280     -5.37896401                                                          Number of atoms   Number of states (Molecular orbitals)   The Fermi Level
 -27.58251      -0.00004   0.00000      -0.00006   0.00000       0.00002   0.00000   ...  Eigen-energy of the 1st state  Real & Imaginary part for the LCAO coeficient for 1st state 1st atom for (s, py ... depending on the name of file) etc.
 -27.58139       0.02716   0.00000       0.04766   0.00000       0.00660   0.00000   ...  eigen-energy of the 2nd state  Real & Imaginary part for the LCAO coeficient for 2nd state 1st atom for (s, py ... depending on the name of file) etc.

Even though the GPAW is mainly used for representing the wave-function on a grid it can work in LCAO mode as well. For the purpose of making inputs for the PP-STM calculations the LCAO mode is necessary. Both - default or double-zeta (basis='dzp'; for more information look at the GPAW web page) - basis sets can be used. The PP-STM code reads the stored *.gpw binary produced by the GPAW calculations. Here is an example of some GPAW script for the calculations of the input:

from ase import *
from ase.visualize import *
from import*
from gpaw import *
import numpy as npy

mol = read('')                                       # xyz geometry of the sample
cell = npy.loadtxt('input.lvs')                               # cell in which a sample is
mol.set_pbc(False)                                            # cluster calculation, but PBC can be used as well: mol.set_cell(cell)
xc='LDA'                                                      # other XC like PBE, RPBE, PW91, BLYP can be used, too.
calc = GPAW(txt='out_LCAO.txt',xc=xc,mode='lcao',basis='dzp')
en = mol.get_potential_energy()
print en
calc.write('out_LCAO_'+xc+'.gpw',mode='all')                  # saves the calculation into binary 'out_LCAO_LDA.gpw' file

The results of the GPAW calculations is stored in 'out_LCAO_LDA.gpw'


Works for PBC calculations, just add:

output eigenvectors
output band 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.0 3 G K


Note: For cluster calculations Mathematica scripts have to be used for creating PP-STM inputs.


Theoretical prediction for Coronene molecule modified with with four nitrogen atoms :

LDA predicted HOMO for this molecule:

and LUMO:

Example test outputs

Example of scans over this molecule, with different probing orbitals and different scanning modes (AFM, STM, dI/dV … ).

Scans at the energy of HOMO:

Scans at the energy of LUMO:

probe_particle_stm.1480954225.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/05 17:10 (external edit)