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This is an old revision of the document!

New files:

/SM_INTERFACE/read_LRE.f90		read electrode rho, H, S matrices for each k (if ismeagol = 1)      
/UTIL/writeout_H2Sm.f90		write out electrode rho, H, S matrices (if iwrtHSrho = 1) from "bulk" calculation for "smeagol" calculation
/SOLVESH_DIAG/kspace_NET.f90           solve in each k-point using smeagol
/SOLVESH_DIAG/diag_k_NET.f90 		allcocate and read ELECTRODE files, call read_LRE, call kspace_NET
/SOLVESH_DIAG/get_Sp12k.f90		get S matrix^(1/2) for lowdin transform from smeagol density 
/LOOPS/main_loop_NET.f90		just call scf_loop_NET
/MODULES/smeagol.f90			definition of all smeagol global variables

Modified files:

/MODULES/options.f90			integer ismeagol	
/MODULES/outputs.f90			integer iwrtHSrho  
/INITIALIZERS/initbasics.f90		call readbias, allocate_bias (if ismeagol = 1)
smeagol.1288615277.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/02/18 13:14 (external edit)