Write out options
iwrtcdcoefs = 0 or 1 # write coefficients of wavefunction C_i,mu
iwrtcharges = 0 or 1
iwrtdensity = 0 or 1 # write out density matrix to standard output
iwrteigen = 0 or 1 # write out eigenvalues
iwrtefermi = 0 or 1 # write out occupation numbers of states
iwrtfpieces = 0 or 1 # write out pieces of force
iwrthampiece = 0 or 1 # write out pieces of hamiltonian
iwrtcomponents = 0 or 1
iwrtneigh = 0 or 1
iwrtneigh_com = 0 or 1
iwrtxyz = 0 or 1 # write out xyz file
iwrtdos = 0 or 1 # write out DOS, dos.optional needed
iwrthop = 0 or 1
iwrtatom = 0 or 1
iwrtpop = 0 or 1
iwrtHS = 0 or 1
iwrtvel = 0 or 1
iwrtden = 0 or 1
iwrtewf = 0 or 1 # plot wavefunction in 2D .ppm or 3D .xsf format
iwrtxsf = 0 or 1 # plot density and potential on grid .xsf
iwrtpsit = 0 or 1
iwrtqt = 0 or 1
iwrtexcit = 0 or 1 # write out optical trasition matrix elements by Fermi Golden rule
iwrtkvaziband = 0 or 1 # project bandstructure of finite system using atomic orbitals, EXPERIMENTAL, NOT FINISHED !!!